Had a wonderful trip....sorta

Friday Tyler, I and my mom boarded a plane for the 3hour flight. Tyler hasn't been on a plane since before he was 2. I took his carseat on the plane with me and got him all buckled in. At take off Tyler let it be known that he did NOT like this plane and we needed to get off. Once in the air he was fine till landing that is. I was hoping he'd take a nap since I knew he'd be up later then normal, but this was not in his plans. He talked and talked and talked, played a little with some toys and let mommy read. For landing he found that it was easiest to hold onto one finger of mine. He was holding so tight my finger was a nice shade of purple/blue by the time we had landed. Once off the plane we arranged all the bags we had carried on. Remember I had my bag, camera and purse, I also had Tyler's diaper bag and his Medical bag and then his carseat. My mom had her bag. My sister came with the 3 girls to get us. We collected our checked bags and off we went to my sisters house. My mom stayed with my sister to help with the girls and Tyler and I went to stay with my sister-in-law.
On Sat we had Lily's 4th birthday party. She had her party at Rainbow Systems.
Tyler was ok playing on the swings until Lily's guests started to arrive then we got to hang in the party room. Tyler doesn't deal well with a lot of people or comotion.
After the party it was mommy's turn to party. I had made plans to get together with some friends and go out. We went to a bar called "Miss. kitty's" its a country dance bar but on Sat nights they play other music not just country. We had a ball, had some good drinks, had fun dancing and most of all hangin with the girls.
The rest of the week was visits with friends and family! It was a crazy busy week but I am so glad I was able to see everyone I was able to. Thanks to Keri, Jon, Mary and Don for taking the time to have us over for a visit! Keri and Jon you have both grown up so much, can't wait to see you again. Judi, Sara, Kathy and Jeremy thanks for taking the time to have lunch/dinner with me. I loved the time to be able to catch up! And of course my Sister in law for taking a day off!
Speaking of a day off, Amber took Wed off so we could do something with the boys. We took the boys here;