Fun in the sun
Over the past few days the kids have chosen to play with the hose instead of swimming! Its funny to watch them zooooommm down the slide as someone else is spraying them. Brycen and Tyler insisted that they wear goggles, silly boys.

I can't believe that the count down has begun 25days left till school starts. I will officially have a middle schooler!! I am still not sure how we are going to deal with dropping/picking her up everyday. Really I am only worried about a few times, Thur when the boys have therapy only because one of the therapists never runs on time........drives me nuts! The drop off isn't really a big issues but Tyler has ST at the school and if they are not willing to see him another time durning the day I don't know what I am going to do. My understanding is they have to accommodate him and provide him with services.

As for the kids they are ready to head back to school. Its been a long summer, between med changes for Brycen and now Kiley's arm we haven't done much. I was planning on going to the beach every other week this summer. We have been to the beach 2 times this summer. Pretty sad when you think that we only live 45minutes from the beach. Oh well thats how things fall sometimes!!!
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