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All I can say right now is I LOVE our ped! She has been wonderful and to be honest almost always on the same page or line of thinking as we are!
So she got the discharge papers from APH and wanted an understanding of what happened. She never got anything from the ER (gota love it!). She knew Tyler was on her appts for Friday then didn't see him so assumed he got better, till she got the paperwork from APH. Anyway I explained what happened, why we chose to take him and what happened in the ER with his blood sugar.
Ya know when you know something isn't right and you should be worried but not sure why, well thats how I have felt the past few days. I knew what happened wasn't right but how "worried" should we really be. Dr T (our ped) said to me that in the ER there is certain protocol that the nurses follow, certain things that they can just "do" without a Dr's ok. She said that when a person comes into the ER with a blood sugar below 45 a nurse is to just bolus straight sugar, don't pass go just do. She said that it bothers her that Tyler was that low that a nurse could just take charge and go. She also said that "normally" your body goes into over drive and produces to much, so she would have thought that his levels should have been a little high, if not then a little low but not THAT low. She listened to what I had to say. I said that we are concerned that maybe he runs on the low side of normal and IF that is is it because of the tube feedings. If he is on the low side what do we need to do when he gets sick. I am not one to say well lets wait and see if it happens again, I am just not that type of person. Yes it could have just been a freak thing that happened. But in the end it did happen, he got sick and it happened. What about next time? Should we have done something different, could we have done something different?
In the end she felt that since his blood sugar was that low, and was hard to stabilize, that it was best to have the Endo Dr look at him and go from there. Since we have a wonderful Endo Dr for Brycen we will just see him for Tyler to. Tyler's appt is Oct 2nd in the morning. I am glad that our ped feels the same as we do, feels that its something to look into and yes maybe there is nothing there and it was just a freak thing but we'd all rather know that that is the case then to "wait and see".
On a side note Tyler was lucky this time with his weight, he lost just about 1lb (not a full lb). He is right at 30lbs @ 4yrs 4months. Dr T said that she'll take that its not as bad as it could have been and I totally agree!
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